5 Things to Look for In a Cookie Dough Fundraising Company

When it comes to evaluating cookie dough fundraising companies there are a number of things that people should look for. Not looking for these things may mean that the cookie dough fundraisers are not as successful as you would like them to be. Doing a little bit of homework before choosing a company can make a world of difference.

Here are 5 things to look for in a cookie dough fundraising company:

Customer service. Cookie dough fundraisers rely upon you getting great customer service. That way you will be able to successfully navigate your way through orders, deliveries, and more.

The dough itself. Some cookie dough fundraising companies offer non frozen cookie dough, which can be problematic. It’s difficult to keep it frozen during storage and delivery. Choose a company offering non-frozen cookie dough to avoid the stress.

Minimum orders. Having to place a minimum order can create unnecessary stress on groups trying to fundraise. Cookie dough fundraisers should not have a minimum order requirement.

Flavor varieties. Not everyone likes the same kind of cookie, making it important the company you chose has a variety of offerings. Cookie dough fundraising companies should offer numerous flavors so there is something for everyone.

Earnings potential. Cookie dough fundraisers can be lucrative as long as you choose one that has a good reputation. If you are going to put the time into doing a fundraiser it is important that you have a high earnings potential so that it is worth your time.

Cookie Joe Fundraising has a great reputation among cookie dough fundraising companies. We provide great customer service, offer a variety of non-frozen cookie dough, do not require any minimum orders, and provide good earnings potential. Cookie Joe Fundraising offers such varieties as oatmeal raisin, triple chocolate chip, snickerdoodle, sugar cookies, and others. Check out the Website to learn more.

What to Consider When Choosing a Cookie Dough Fundraiser

If you are considering a cookie dough fundraiser for your school, church, or other group, you are not alone. It has become one of the more popular options that people are turning to in order to raise much-needed funds. But not all cookie dough is created equal and some are going to be much easier to deal with than others.

Before choosing for your fundraiser it is important consider a few important areas, such as:

  • Product integrity. If you are considering a non frozen cookie dough fundraiser it is important to consider the problems that may arise in trying to keep the dough frozen during distribution. If it begins to thaw you may have unhappy customers on your hands.
  • Lasting ability. You want to select cookie dough that is going to have a long shelf life so that those who purchase it will be able to take their time using it. Having a year to use it is ideal, as it gives the buyer a reason to purchase more than one unit.
  • Ease of use. With dry cookie cough all the person needs to do is add in eggs and butter. Mix it together and they are ready to pop it into the oven. This also gives people the option to customize, using egg replacer or non-dairy butter if they would like a vegan cookie.
  • Ingredients. Having all natural ingredients that you are familiar with is essential. You should know what the ingredients are and be able to recognize them. Things like flour, sugar, vanilla, and chocolate chips are all things you should see listed, depending on the flavor.

Dry cookie dough offers an easy fundraising opportunity that you don’t have to stress out about. You don’t have to worry about freezing the product or anything spoiling. It also provides a high profit margin and comes in a variety of flavors with all natural ingredients. Be sure to do your homework when researching cookie dough. We believe you will agree that the dry varieties come out on top!

3 Reasons to Consider Cookie Dough Fundraising

Each year there are schools, churches and groups that look for fundraising opportunities. Some turn to selling products that don’t quite live up to expectations, or produce the profits that they thought they would. What many groups are finding is that cookie dough fundraising is an ideal route to take. Increasingly, groups are turning to cookie dough for paving their path to potential earnings.

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There are a lot of benefits to choosing cookie dough to sell, including these top three:

Simple. When a group chooses cookie dough for their fundraising they will find that it provides a simple route. There is no refrigeration needed, as the dough is all dry. All the person buying it needs to do is add eggs and butter. For the person buying the cookie dough, they can get a large variety of flavors, including oatmeal raisin, triple chocolate chip, cranberry chippers, sugar cookies, and more.

In demand. Unlike trying to sell things like wrapping paper and bags, the cookie dough is something that everyone loves. In other words, who doesn’t love a cookie? It is something that most people are going to be interested in, making it an easy product to find buyers for.

Profitable. Not all products that groups can sell are profitable. But cookie dough fundraising ideas are popular because they are also profitable. For example, a group of 25 people who sell 10 units of cookie dough each will profit $1,250. And selling 10 units each should be a breeze!

Church groups, schools, and other organizations in need of fundraising will want to consider going with dry cookie dough. The cookie dough  has a shelf life of one year, is all natural, peanut free, offers online ordering, no minimum orders, and has a quick and free start-up process. It’s hard to find a fundraising opportunity that tastes better than cookie dough!